Probizwriters, LLC Business Writing and Editing Services
"The more the state 'plans' the more difficult planning becomes for the individual." --economist Friedrich August von Hayek (1899-1992)
On Economics ... Edgar the Exploiter
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Edgar the Exploiter is an animated short that defends voluntary employer-employee relations and demonstrates the harm that policies like minimum-wage laws inflict on the very people they are supposed to help.
Edgar is a capitalist who hires Simon as an unskilled laborer, until a minimum-wage law impels Edgar to lay Simon off.
Give it a view. It is beautifully done.Brought to you by
The Ludwig von Mises Institute
The Writers' Letter
Vol. 3 - December 2014
Dear David,
Probizwriters relaunches its periodic newsletter with renewed commitment to delivering practical ideas on business writing to help your business communicate and manage information effectively. Below are some recent articles we've posted on our Business Writers' Blog you may find useful. Thanks for being part of our valued network of business owners and entrepreneurs. |
A Strong Business Writing Culture is Good for Success
|  Few Business Leaders Pay Attention to Their Company's Business Writing Culture
For years I've been telling everyone I can that quality business writing, and a supportive business writing culture, are essential to business success. Frankly, many don't find the topic very engaging or exciting--it's just not something that grabs their attention or interest. They nod approval and feign understanding, but usually don't really know what I mean. Just a casual bit of courteous respect, I suppose.
Sad, but true, businesses for the most part pay lip service to the subject of quality business writing--it never tops their list of priorities. I have yet to hear a business owner or executive say, ... Read Full Article |
Business Writing Process -- Brilliance or Hard Slog?
Business Writing Process is Not a Single Flash of Uninterrupted Brilliance ... It's a Hard Slog
Occasionally business writers get it all down in just the right way in a flurry of inspiration. But for most of us writing usually doesn't happen like that. In fact, the process is commonly a regularly interrupted slog. So don't think for a minute that creating business prose, copy or documents will be a seamless one-time gig, or that your entire piece will fall out of your head onto the page in a single flash of clarity or brilliance. If you're waiting for this to happen, you'll probably get little writing done. Crafting great material occurs by not doing it all at once. ...
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Is Bad Grammar Hurting Your Business?
Heads Up! Employees and Partners with Poor Grammar Skills are Bad for Business
I bet you and your HR department pay little attention to whether employees and new hires, especially those in positions requiring written communication, have a basic competence in grammar. And you're probably among the majority of businesses that don't test employees for grammar skills. Worse, you probably let them write for you without giving it a second thought. In fact, if you're like most people, it's never occurred to you that bad grammar is bad for the bottom line. You may think it's no big deal for business communication to have errors here and there. You're not alone. After all, who really cares about getting words like "there," "their" and "they're" exactly right when everyone gets the point. Today, bad grammar is rampant ...
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Simple Process Pointers for Struggling Business Writers
It's amazing that so many smart, experienced people don't think they can write, struggle to write, or don't write well when they try. When I'm asked for advice on how to get started on, and finish, a business-writing project I usually try to reduce it to a few understandable and easy-to-remember essentials.
I guess the big trick is recognizing that there's really no magic involved-writing is thinking. Thinking requires focus, reflection, imagination, deliberation, concentration, and an orderly process. ...
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"Did You Know?" From the Executive Editor
Editorial notes you may find useful in your writing:
"In view of the fact that" is a weak equivalent of "because."
Slash unneeded words by watching for this weakness in your writing:
Don't interject unnecessary phrases that precede the substance, just take up space and make noise, and announce what you're doing next, like these:
It is important to remember ...
It should be noted that ...
It must also be borne in mind that ...
It is important to understand at the outset ...
Instead, use the much simpler "First, ... " or "Remember, ... ." As in, "First, all parties were in the same room at the time of the incident."
Probizwriters News
Recent PBW activities:
Over the last several months Probizwriters has re-launched its Business Writers' Blog -- so we can regularly share ideas on business writing with clients and the business community. We hope you'll check it out!
The blog is part of our ongoing website improvement effort aimed at delivering useful writing resources and information to help business get the most out of written communication. The effort is generating a significant increase in our traffic; the website now regularly draws new clients and inquiries from all over the U.S. and the world, including Canada, the U.K., Spain, Trinidad, Australia, the Bahamas, Hong Kong, Saudi Arabia, India, and Israel. PBW has recently been engaged by Infosys, Ltd. (an India-based global IT consulting, technology, and outsourcing firm), to assist in its ongoing corporate policy improvement process.
The Writers' Letter is a complimentary newsletter for clients and friends of Probizwriters, published regularly to share business-writing ideas, links, and relevant industry news.
Thanks for reading; we hope you find this information helpful. Please email us with suggestions, questions or feedback.
Best regards, David Speaker, Executive Editor Probizwriters, LLC
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Save 20% on All Editing Services through January, 2015
No matter how well you write, a simple typo or stylistic inconsistency can disrupt readers and potentially derail the impact of your work. With Probizwriters, LLC, you don't have to grapple with editing and proofreading alone. Our professional editing services can refine your content and prepare it for use or publication.
For a limited time, we're offering a 20% discount on all of our professional editing services. This offer expires on January 31, so contact us today to learn more.
We offer a range of editing services to meet your needs. Our professional editors can assist with:
- Technical elements such as grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
- Stylistic elements like intended word use and tone.
- Composition elements including overall clarity and smoothness.
- An editorial review and assessment of your work.
This 20% discount is only available through January 2015, so act today. To learn more, please contact us.
* This coupon need not be printed or presented and is transferable. Just request the discount by mentioning that you saw it in the Probizwriters Newsletter. Please share with your business associates and others. We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to terminate or modify this promotion.
| Offer Expires: January 31, 2015